Bath has successfully designed many waterworks projects including potable water pumping stations, wastewater lift stations, stormwater pump stations, and water treatment plants. The scope of our services has ranged from prime responsibility for the design of entire facilities to sub-consultant responsibility of telemetry, power and control systems.
Pump selection requires both formal education and practical experience. It takes years of hands-on experience working in the field with many types of pumps before an engineer can be recognized as an expert in this field. Bath is proud to boast that its staff includes several pumps specialists.
Pumps and other mechanical equipment consume a huge amount of energy. It is not uncommon for the cost of energy over the anticipated life of a pump to exceed the pump’s original cost. Bath’s engineers consider a facility’s life cycle cost during the design and procurement process.
As treatment facilities become more sophisticated, automation and complex logic become ever more important. Bath’s engineers have many years experience designing waterworks automation systems, so we are often called on to troubleshoot operational problems.